In the years 1972-73, he completed German language training, and an internship related to Mechanical Engineering in Germany. He won an IAESTE scholarship and interned for three months with German Railways. In 1977, he graduated at the top of his class from Fırat University with the title of “Mechanical Engineer” and began his master’s studies at the ITU Institute of Nuclear Energy in the same year. He earned the title of “Senior Engineer” in 1979. He began working as an assembly engineer at the ITU TRIGA MARK II Nuclear Reactor in 1978, and from 1979, he continued as a “Research Assistant” at Fırat University.

He completed the experimental components of his doctoral studies at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany in 1981 and 1982, supported by a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) scholarship. In 1983, he earned the title of “Doctor” from Karadeniz Technical University. In 1990, as part of a YÖK/World Bank Project, he conducted academic work in computer systems for nine months at Indiana and Purdue Universities in the United States.

In 1991, he was awarded the title of “Associate Professor” in the field of Energy Education.

In 1991, he founded Turkey’s first local university television station at Fırat University and launched local television broadcasting. In 1992, he spent four months in England, conducting academic work on computer-aided education and design at Salford and Bradford Universities. In 1995, he was invited to Oklahoma State University in the United States to work on vocational and technical education and informatics.

He was awarded the title of “Professor” in 1997 in the Department of Computer Systems Education. In 1998, supported by a DAAD scholarship, he worked on robotics projects at Bremen University in Germany. Between 1999-2002, he served as a member of the YÖK National Informatics Committee, guiding distance education efforts in Turkey. From 2000-2009, he served as a member of the Inter-University Council’s commission for the associate professorships in Vocational and Technical Education.

Between 2000-2004, he served as the founding dean of the Communication Faculty at Fırat University.

From 2003-2005, he conducted scientific studies and taught various courses at West Virginia University in the United States. In 2007-2008, he was appointed as Interim Rector at Siirt University to oversee its establishment and also served as Dean of the Faculty of Education there during the same period.

From 1998-2001, he served as Fırat University’s coordinator for the Eastern Anatolia Development Project (DAP). Between 2001-2004, he completed “Provincial Development Plans” for the provinces of Elazığ, Bingöl, Muş, Tunceli, Bitlis, and Siirt. Between 1995-1998, he managed “Instructor Training Projects in the Field of Information Technologies” for Higher Education Council of Türkiye (YÖK) and the Ministry of National Education.

In 2011, supported by a YÖK scholarship, he conducted research on a supersonic wind tunnel at Wilkes University in the United States. In 2013, as part of Turkey’s Mevlana Program, he taught courses in Digital Forensics and Security at Sam Houston State University during the fall semester.

From 2008-2012, he served as Director of the Revolving Fund Management at Fırat University.

In 2011, he was appointed as a professor for the second time in the Department of Software Engineering at Fırat University’s Faculty of Technology.

In 2018 and 2019, he taught graduate-level online courses at Sam Houston State University in the United States.

He founded the International Joint Undergraduate Program (UOLP) in Software Engineering at Fırat University’s Faculty of Technology, ensuring that students who completed the program successfully received dual diplomas from both Fırat University and Sam Houston State University. He also founded Turkey’s first and still the only Department of Digital Forensic Engineering at Fırat University’s Faculty of Technology.

Between 2015-2017, he completed his second master’s degree in public administration at Sam Houston State University in the United States and was awarded a scholarship by the university due to his outstanding performance.

As a Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) evaluator, he participated in accreditation program evaluations at Abant İzzet Baysal University in 2017, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University in 2018, Ardahan University in 2019, Ondokuz Mayıs University in 2020, Başkent University in 2021, Süleyman Demirel University in 2022, and Kilis 7 Aralık University in 2023. In 2022, he evaluated Pharmacy Education Programs for the Pharmacy Education Program Evaluation and Accreditation Association (ECZAKDER) within the scope of the YÖKAK Monitoring Program. He also served as an observer in the accreditation of the Architecture and Design Programs at Maltepe University by the Architecture Education Accreditation Association (MiAK).

In 2017, he founded the Software and Cyber Security Association ( In 2019, he established the Elazığ Branch of the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD).

Since 2000, he has been a permanent member of the Council of Communication Faculty Deans (

Since 2013, he has organized the International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (, which is supported by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), through the international consortium he established. Between 2020-2023, he served as the General Chair of the International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC), supported by IEEE under the umbrella of the Turkish Informatics Association (TBD). He is currently co-chairing the organization committee of the “4th International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age,” which will take place from November 28-30, 2024, at Eastern Mediterranean University in North Cyprus.

In 2020, he was appointed for the third time as a professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Maltepe University, where he also served as department head and dean. Since August 2022, he has been involved in projects at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in the United States, where he teaches various undergraduate courses in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering. At the same time, he continues to teach online courses at Maltepe University’s Department of Computer Engineering.

He has published over 400 articles, papers, and books at national and international levels.

Between 1997-2000, he wrote a column for the BT/Haber newspaper, and since 2000, he has continued as a columnist for the Günışığı Newspaper (

He is married with two children and is fluent in both English and German.


İletişim fakülteleri aktif veya önceki dekanların, aktif veya önceki rektör ve rektör yardımcılarının katılacağı 32. İLDEK Konseyi toplantısı, 17-19 Ekim 2024 (Perşembe-Cumartesi) tarihleri arasında Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi ev sahipliğinde gerçekleştirilecektir. İLDEK Konsey toplantısı, 2000 yılından beri her yıl kesintisiz sürdürülen bir etkinliktir. Bu toplantılar 24 yıldır yapılmakta ve katılımcılar iletişim fakültelerinin mevcut durumlarını, ileriye yönelik projeksiyonlarını, paydaşlarla iş birliklerini, eğitim ve öğretim müferadlarının değişen teknolojik gelişmelere uyarlanmasını vb. diğer konuları tartışmaktadır. İLDEK Konseyi Genel Kurulunun almış olduğu kararlar, öneri amacıyla ilgili resmi ve özel kurumlara iletilmektedir.


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İLDEK (İletişim Fakülteleri Dekanları Konseyi), İLAD (İletişim Araştırmaları Derneği) ve Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi İşbirliği ile 4. Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu “Dijital Dönüşüm ve Yapay Zeka” teması ile 28-30 Kasım 2024 tarihleri Arasında, Gazimağusa, Kıbrıs’ta Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesinde yapılacak.

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