Önal completed his undergraduate education at Hacettepe University, English Linguistics, and her master’s and doctoral studies at Dokuz Eylül University, Radio, Cinema and Television Departments, after her primary and secondary education. Working as a director and producer in national and local television channels during her education, Önal started her academic life at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University in 2002. In addition to her theoretical studies throughout her career, she has directed short films and documentaries such as Suda Hayal/Mirage on Water, Ancient Ages/Women in Ancient Aegean Coast, Beş Açı/Five Angles. As well as national platforms, her films have been shown at international festivals such as the London Turkish Film Festival, La Rassegne Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico. Önal, who has been the director of the International Trojan Horse Short Film Festival for three years, also participated in Sarojova Film Festival, New Wave International Student Film Festival, Adana and Malatya Film Festivals as an academic guest. Focusing her works on Creative Industries and Digital Literacy for the last five years, Önal has been an executive and took part in different projects in this field. She is currently conducting a Tubitak project specific to video articles/essays and video course materials, besides working in an EU project as well. Prof. Dr. Önal continues his academic and artistic studies in addition to her position as the dean of the faculty she is the founder of.