32nd ILDEK Council of Communication Faculty Deans Meeting Final Declaration

Bolu, October 18, 2024

The 2024 ILDEK Council of Communication Faculty Deans meeting was held with the participation of communication faculty deans or their representatives. Hosted by Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, the meeting took place in Bolu from October 17 to 19, 2024, both in-person and online. The following resolutions were adopted:

  1. The report on communication associate professorship exams, prepared by the Commission members formed during the 2023 ILDEK Council meeting held at Tunceli Munzur University (Prof. Dr. Rengin Küçükerdoğan, Hasan Kalyoncu University; Prof. Dr. Gilman Senem Gençtürk Hızal, Başkent University; Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Sümbül, Çukurova University; Assoc. Dr. Engin Sarı, Ankara University; Assoc. Dr. Veysel Çakmak, Aksaray University), was reviewed by the ILDEK Council Executive Committee. Following adjustments, it was presented to the General Assembly. The committee agreed to further refine the report and send it to the relevant institutions, with the Executive Committee overseeing the follow-up process.
  2. It was discussed that the high enrollment numbers in communication departments within Open and Distance Education Faculties have resulted in students with qualifications below the expected standard. This enrollment surplus adversely impacts in-person education and leads to challenges for students in adapting to technological advancements. The Executive Committee was tasked with preparing a report to be submitted to the Council of Higher Education, proposing a reduction in enrollment quotas for these programs.
  3. The ILDEK Council of Communication Faculty Deans agreed to support the “4th International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age,” organized jointly by the ILDEK Council, Communication Research Association (İLAD), and the Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Communication, scheduled for November 28-30, 2024, at Eastern Mediterranean University. Each faculty is encouraged to announce this event to their personnel.
  4. Challenges in sustaining educational activities in specific areas were discussed, particularly due to restrictions from the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) on hiring specialized teaching staff for certain departments. A commission was established, composed of the following members, to prepare a report on this issue and for the ILDEK Council Executive Committee to oversee the related processes:
    Commission Members:
    Prof. Dr. Gilman Senem Gençtürk Hızal (Başkent University)
    Prof. Dr. Gülay Öztürk (Fenerbahçe University)
    Prof. Dr. Metin Kozak (Kadir Has University)
  5. Prof. Dr. Asaf Varol’s presentation on “Artificial Intelligence and Its Future” in the context of communication faculties was discussed. The council agreed to promote the effective use and dissemination of artificial intelligence (AI) within communication faculties and to organize inter-faculty workshops on AI-related topics.
  6. Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak’s presentation titled “Quality Assurance System in Higher Education and an Evaluation through Institutional and Program Accreditations” was reviewed. To expedite the accreditation processes of communication faculty programs, it was deemed appropriate for faculties to prepare short- and medium-term action plans.
  7. For newly established “New Media and Communication” departments within communication faculties, it was decided that coordination through the ILDEK Council would be beneficial in harmonizing course curricula among relevant faculties.
  8. To address the difficulties faced by communication faculty students in finding internship opportunities and placements, it was agreed that the ILDEK Council would prepare a report and liaise with the relevant institutions and organizations, including the sector stakeholders.
  9. Following the elections, the members of the ILDEK Council Executive Committee were determined as follows: Primary Members:
    Prof. Dr. Ümit Arklan, Süleyman Demirel University, Chair
    Prof. Dr. Asaf Varol, Maltepe University and UTC, Permanent Member
    Prof. Dr. Emre Tandırlı, Abant İzzet Baysal University
    Prof. Dr. Hülya Önal, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
    Prof. Dr. Gül Rengin Küçükerdoğan, Hasan Kalyoncu University
    Prof. Dr. Gilman Senem Gençtürk Hızal, Başkent University Alternate Members:
    Prof. Dr. Ali Soylu, Pamukkale University
    Prof. Dr. Raci Taşçıoğlu, Atatürk University
  10. During discussions on the location and date of the next ILDEK Council meeting, Near East University Faculty of Communication in Cyprus and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Communication expressed interest in hosting. After presentations from the respective deans, it was decided that the 33rd ILDEK Council of Communication Faculty Deans meeting will be hosted by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Communication in Çanakkale, with the date to be determined by the İLDEK Executive Committee.
  11. It was resolved that the 34th ILDEK Council Meeting and the “CIDA-5th International Symposium on Communication in the Digital Age” event would be hosted by Near East University in Northern Cyprus in 2026.